Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Looking back at 2007

2007 started off with a bang! God placed it on my heart to go for my dream! To never stop. To never look back. To give it all I had and to simply go for it! This was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

Then, I read John Maxwell's book The Difference Maker. In this book, Mr. Maxwell says your attitude toward things can either make or break you. After reading this, I knew that no matter how frightening it seemed, no matter how inadequate I felt, I had no choice but to give it my all.

Next, I read The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. Everything he said in that book was written directly to me. He says that God places a dream within all of us and that many of us never pursue that dream. Many of us never feel worthy of that dream.

Guess what? We're not. It is only through God that we can accomplish our dreams...His dreams. So, I urge you to dig deep inside, commit yourself to heavy conversation with the Lord, and find your dream. Then, live it!

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